Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Yu Kee Bak Kut Teh 佑记肉骨茶

佑记肉骨茶(Yu Kee Bak Kut Teh)的位置在Jalan Pantai, Gaya Street, Kota Kinabalu. 是一间优久的肉骨茶店。在加雅街(Gaya Street) 附近你也能看到好几间的肉骨茶店,只是我都会常去吃佑记肉骨茶。通常开业时间在4点到11.30晚上,天天都是高朋满座。最常见的是外国游客。他们都是卖猪肉,肉丸,猪肝,粉肠,猪肚,排骨,三层肉, 猪脚,豆腐博,冬菇。。。你可以点自己喜欢吃的,如果你要点碗菜也可以向他们要求。肉骨茶的特别是在于汤,是采用了中药材熬出来,很重的当归味道。

Yu Yee Bak Kut Teh is the one of famous food in Malaysia. The location is Jalan Pantai, Gaya Street, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. There are other  Bak Kut Teh restaurant around there.  Yu Kee BKT is the oldest one, opening hour start from 4pm  to 11.30pm in the evening. They sell many types of  pork like pork ribs, meat balls, liver, mushroom, taufa po...and herbal "TANG GUI"soap, you can choose what you like to eat.



可以点自己喜欢吃的,排骨,粉肠,三层肉,冬菇,豆腐博。俩人份:RM37.00。 因为,吃的会油腻,所以都喜欢配一普耳茶

佑记肉骨茶(Yu Kee Bak Kut Teh)的位置在Jalan Pantai, Gaya Street, Kota Kinabalu. 

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