Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Fruits of Sabah.

The Fruits

In Malaysian markets there are many kinds of fruits on sale, some of them are grown locally while others are imported from other countries. During the seasons you can see a lot of fruits like durians, rambutans, mangostees, langsats, jackfruit and others being sold.

Among all These fruits durians are the most expensive.  Durian is a fruit with a hard thorny skin and a strong smell. Some people don't like durians because of its smell.

In the durian season we can see durians everywhere often, people are seen squatting by the roadside enjoying the delicious durian.

This Mount Kinabalu of King durian its very expensive RM40 per kg.

During the season my parent bought a lot of durians. My favorite fruit is the durian. which is hard to break open. When it is open we can find large pips inside. Let see the video how my brother open the durian, must be careful.  But sometime you can see the one of bad pips inside, just try your luck.

Durian is the king and Mangosteen is the queen, this is usually the size of an apple. The skin is greenish in colour when it is unripe. It turns dark red when fully ripe.

Rambutans very sweet and tasty like Lychee, it has soft skin with red hair, slightly smaller in size than a hen's egg. The skin is green when not ripe. It turns red when when fully ripe.

Rambutans and Langsats are seasons in August or September.

Langsats sweet and sour. But to avoid to eating the seeds inside a bit hard, seeds really bitter. The Fruits sell cheap cost like RM 5 or 7 per kg.

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